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Brands require innovative business solutions

Is Performance Marketing Killing Brands? An In-Depth Analysis of the Digital Marketing Dilemma
In the fast-paced world of digital marketing, performance marketing has emerged ... Read more
Sanjeev Jasani
29, June 2024
Why Agencies Often Overlook the Full Consumer Journey in Communication Strategies
In today's complex marketing landscape, understanding the entire consumer journey is crucial for... Read more
Sanjeev Jasani
2nd, June 2024
Research gets the AI Makeover
Why a Business-Connected Agency is What You Need Instead of a Traditional Agency
In today's rapidly evolving business landscape, the role of marketing agencies has undergone... Read more
Sourav Ray and Arnab Datta Chaudhuri
16th, May 2024
The AI Job Paradox: Will Robots Steal Your Job (and Your Dog Walker)? The Biggest Thing to Watch in 2024
Get ready, folks! As we dive into 2024, the landscape of artificial intelligence (AI) is set to transform... Read more
Sanjeev Jasani
2nd, June 2024
Research gets the AI Makeover
When AI Understands Humans Better Than We Understand Ourselves
AI self-awareness, AI surpassing human intelligence, AI and human knowledge, AI emotional intelligence... Read more
Sourav Ray and Arnab Datta Chaudhuri
16th, May 2024
Retail Awaits an AI with a Heart
The Shopping Tango: How AI is Shaping the Future of Consumer Behaviour
AI is transforming the shopping landscape into a theatre of personalization, convenience, and innovation... Read more
Sourav Ray and Arnab Datta Chaudhuri
29th, May 2024
Roadmap To Accelerate Brand’s Influence
Influencer marketing (IM) is no longer a novelty in the marketer’s toolkit. Most who’ve leveraged influencers face the challenge to manage the large no... Read more
Sourav Ray, CSO, Aparajita Biala
28th, March 2024